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来源:原点资讯(m.360kss.com)时间:2024-04-25 13:53:44作者:YD166手机阅读>>




Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth, England in 1812. He was the second of eight children born to John and Elizabeth Dickens.

His father, John, was the son of an illiterate servant. Like Pip, 他爸爸的命运因为一个偶然突然改变了。John Dickens managed to escape a similar fate when the family his parents worked for got him a job in a navy pay office. 就像Pip讨厌他的出身并渴望得到Estella一样,John continued his upward climb by keeping his own lowly background a secret and courting Elizabeth Barrow, the daughter of a wealthy senior clerk. The marriage succeeded, but John's hopes for further advancement fizzled when his father-in-law was accused of embezzlement and fled the country. 这不就是现实版的恩人Magwitch吗?同Pip 一样,狄更斯的父母在失去他姥爷这个经济支柱后仍然改不了花钱大手大脚的习惯,they liked the upper-class life style.

His father's financial problems required a move to smaller quarters in London when Dickens was ten. Their four-room home was cramped( 正如Pip 初到London 的住所: a frouzy mourning of soot and smoke attired this forlorn creation of Barnard Inn), creditors called frequently trying to collect payments, and Dickens' parents alternated between the stress of survival and the gaiety of continuing to party. Dickens wanted to return to school but was instead sent to work at the age of twelve to help support the family.

For twelve hours a day, six days a week, Charles Dickens pasted labels to bottles of shoe polish at the rat-infested, dilapidated Warren's Blacking factory. He was also resentful of his older sister (who was studying at the Royal Academy of Music), and hurt by his parents' lack of interest in his education, Dickens despaired.

When his father was arrested for nonpayment of a debt, Dickens' mother and younger siblings moved into prison with his father, leaving the twelve-year-old alone on the outside to continue working. His older sister remained at the music academy. Lonely, scared, and abandoned, Dickens lived in a run-down neighborhood close to the prison so that he could visit his family in prision.他的童年比Pip 还要动荡、悲惨!

Like Pip, 他爸爸的命运因为另一个偶然又突然改变了。A small inheritance a few months later allowed his family to leave prison. Dickens was finally allowed to attend school over his mother's objections — she did not want to lose his income. School was short-lived though: At fifteen, Dickens had to return to work.。His fierce sense of betrayal and rage at his mother's callousness stayed with him for life. 同Pip 一样,Dickens 也没有得到正常的母爱!

经过自学,他的第一份非体力劳动工作是做a law clerk. After learning shorthand he spent four years as a legal reporter, then as a shorthand reporter in Parliament.

Pip 对Estella 的单相思简直就是Dickens 自身经历的写照。At eighteen Dickens met Maria Beadnell, the daughter of a rich banker. She was two years older, beautiful — he fell totally in love. Though the relationship went well for a while, she lost interest in him after returning from finishing school in Paris(Estella 不也被送往巴黎学习了吗!). Dickens 描写Pip 的单相思和强烈的social inferiority其实就是他自己失恋后的真实感受。



本书发表于1861。1840年前后,工业革命基本完成,英国成为了世界上第一个工业国家。19世纪时的英国被称为“世界工厂”。资产阶级和和无产阶级都登上了历史舞台,并成为舞台上的主角。继而,19世纪欧洲三大工人运动相继爆发:1836—1848的英国宪章运动;1831/1834年法国里昂工人两次起义和1844年德国西里西亚工人起义(现绝大部分地区属于波兰西南部)。1848年马克思和恩格斯的《Communist manifesto共产党宣言》也在伦敦发表。在资本主义对封建体制摧枯拉朽的冲击、社会生产力获得大幅解放的同时,英国传统的伦理道德必然受到巨大的冲击。

《Great expectations》就是狄更斯通过人们对金钱、感恩、友情等基本人性的撕裂式的反应,展示了新时代带来的对社会价值观的冲击, 这种对整个社会价值观的撕裂主要是从以下4个人物的内心冲突中体现的。改革开放44年,我们也成立世界工厂,这44年,人们的心理和价值观不也受到了巨大的冲击和改变吗?



撕裂1. Twin Wemmick

Wemmick ,dry man who had been imperfectly chipped out with a dull edged chisel, wearing at least 4 mourning rings.他有两种截然不同的生活状态。总是强调"portable property",在little Britain Office 时,他的嘴马上tightened into a post-office。

He walked among the prisoners, much as a gardener might walk among his plants

他的私生活则过得有声有色。他私下里精心打造了自己的castle with a drawbridge, 每个晚上要有放炮ordnance仪式,还在后院饲养家禽并种黄瓜。 他关爱爸爸(shake hands with him in a cordial and jocose way)和女友、热爱生活,真心帮助作为朋友的Pip。 He embraces life, but draws a line to survive in his dual world.


撕裂2. Miss Havisham

Dogged, corpse like, spectral,wayward, As a heiress, 被 half brother和情人欺骗,sharper

teeth than the teeth of mice gnawed her。Her life was hidden from the sun. 她整天被

moldering table, shroud dress, cobwebs, spiders and mice 包围着。 In shutting out the light

of day, she had shut out infinitely more. In seclusion, she had secluded herself form a

thousand natural and healing influences.她是一个失恋型的精神变态者。

她认为love is blind devotion, unquestioning self-humiliation, utter submission, trust and,belief against yourself and against the whole world, giving up your whole heart and soul to the smiter。她因此maliciously让所有追求Estella的人都遭受tormented by a perversion of ingenuity.

在告诉Pip Estella 已经去法国接受教育时她是带着malignant enjoyment & disagreeable laugh。

She is one of the most strange and grotesque characters in the story, the "wicked witch" of the fairy tale. In adopting Estella, she seeks to protect the girl from the hurts she herself has suffered. That intention, however, degrades into her training Estella to love no one and exact revenge from all men. Miss Havisham chooses her lifestyle. She wields her money as her weapon of power and trains her daughter to succeed where she has failed.

But it backfires. Estella ends up not only unable to love men, but unable to love Miss Havisham. 当Estella 表现出对Miss Havisham厌倦的情绪时,Miss Havisham说Estella是ingrate.她那受伤深重的铁石心又一次感到了疼痛。Miss Havisham's creation is her downfall, and Pip is her mirror. 进而,当Pip当面向Estella倾诉自己多年的相思苦衷,并请求Estellla bestow herself on some worthier person than Drummle,Miss Havisham sees the depth of Pip's feelings for Estella, sees herself with Compeyson and remembers what she once was。 Miss Havisham's hand covered her heart, seemed resolved into a ghastly stare of pity and remorse. 邪恶的人的良性又苏醒了!

Her redemption is in seeing her sins and showing her remorse, taking responsibility for her actions. She asks Pip's forgiveness, helps Herbert Pocket, and leaves 4000 pounds to Herbert's father.

Miss Havisham在作品中出现,再次体现了狄更斯在《ATale of two cities》中展示的观点,人类要以善和爱报答恶俗,以恶报恶是行不通的!


扭曲1. Jaggers

Magisterial Solicitor。在法庭上大*四方,对当事人锱铢必较,他极度自信自己的能力以至于never lets a door or window be fastened at night. 他无疑是当时社会的成功者。但同Wemmick 不同,他chooses an emotionless life and accepts the cost of loneliness and alienation。他是资本主义商业制度的坚定拥护者和受益者,如果从他无家庭及无感情的生活状态说,他也是这个制度的受害者!

扭曲2. Uncle Pumblechook,

corn chandler ,omnipotent, imperious, pompous, bullying,depreciatory self-constituted patron of Pip, abject hypocrite, swindling,servile。市侩小人,无赖人格,为了向上巴结,不顾道德底线。

五、Pip 什么时候转变的?为什么能转变?

少年时去了Harvisham 家后,Pip , a dazed village lad, 被Estella深深吸引,他wished Joe had been genteelly brought up, felt ashamed of home, wanted to be a gentleman on Estella’s account.

这种迷恋一直延续的Pip成人后,他仍然认为it was impossible for him to separate her , in the past or at present, from the innermost life of his life. Estella is part of his existence ,part of himself.

Money and Estella become his quest in life and he will give up everything — Joe, the forge, his own good conscience and behavior.

With expectations, Pip 首先在裁缝店感受到了Stupendous power of money.

Herbert对Pip的性格总结得很到位: a good fellow with impetuosity and hesitation, boldness.

and diffidence, action and dreaming, curiously mixed in him. 这个性格几乎是近代以来各个国家所有平民(paupers) 家庭出身、受过高等教育的青年的共同性格,凡是小心翼翼向上爬的青年都有这种性格,因此在200后的中国,Pip这样的普通家庭出来的青年现在仍然大有人在,而60后及70后几乎各个都是Pip。其内心的高尚道德总是要让位给精致的利己主义。


当知道曾经朝夕相处的Joe来London看他,Pip没有感觉到丝毫快乐, 甚至想到了躲出去。Pip更愿意用钱把Joe打发走,他认为让他瞧不起的Herbert看到Joe 是“Our worst weaknesses and meannesses are usually committed for the sake of the people whom we most despise”.


1).在首次离家去伦敦的马车上,Pip 曾多次设想在中途换马时下车走回家,在家再呆一个晚上,同Joe有一个更好的告别,他的这个愿望多次推迟。直到离家的距离已经远不可及。

2).在从伦敦回乡的马车上,Pip 遇到了coarse mangy ungainly convict who were seen on the settle of the Three Jolly Bargememen, Pip 对这个早年曾经给他过2英镑钱的恩人并没有丝毫感谢的表示,他所作的仅仅是growing high shouldered on one side , in my shrinking endeavors to fend him off。虽然Pip 已经长大成人并有了远大前程,他并不愿认这个当初给他过小恩的人,更不用说去报答了。

3).Pip回乡看望了Estella之后,马上返回来London, 并没有去看Joe. 内疚的心理让他一回到London, 就sent a penitential codfish and a barrel of oysters to Joe as reparation。他自己在London负债累累、花天酒地,可是他发达后仅给了Joe这样一次物质上的回报!对比中西方在忘恩负义上的表现,显然,英国的Pip要远超中国的忘恩小人,长期受儒家思想的影响,即使是卑鄙的小人,也要比他国的同类高尚许多!至少在表面上不会向Pip这样忘恩负义到露骨。

Pip 能够为了Herbert 花250英镑,却仅给乡下的一直抚养照顾他的Joe codfish & oysters,这也说明Pip的自私,对自己将来有用的或者是自己同类的人,他会慷慨解囊,大发善心,可对于自己恩情极大,但是价值观相差很大的人,他的善心关的很紧。此现象200年来依然盛行,大城市落脚的孩子们还能时常想念、主动接济穷亲戚的人已经凤毛麟角了。我们不都是在对受教育程度低、社会阶层低的亲人疏于关爱吗?我们无时无刻不在盘算着每一个去关爱他们行动的成本和受益,殊不知,爱是不应该用对错、价值观、成本和收益来表述的,这些商业化的词汇根本不应同直通人心灵的亲人之爱并提!

4).首次见到Magwitch 那个stormy夜晚,他对给他远大前程的人只有: abhorrence, dread and repugnance.

是以下2个人表现出的稳定、健康感人的人格促成了Pip 的转变和良心的回归。他们的稳定的、传统的不为世风影响的价值观是狄更斯所推崇的。面对困顿的世界,狄更斯总是给出自己解救世界的答案,就如同《A Tale of Two Cities》中面对法国贵族和平民的阶级冲突,狄更斯认为Cardon的爱和Monet医生的宽恕是救世良方一样。


“I wish to say something respecting this escape, it may prevent some persons laying under suspicions”. Magwitch 主动交代说他自己偷了食物,因此使给他带食物的Pip没有被牵连(Pip was unexpectedly exonerated)。Magwitch这件牺牲自己解脱小Pip的事件肯定早被成年Pip忘掉了。真正感动他的是Magwitch 不顾被抓住的风险从澳大利亚潜回英国来他( be bound to have that tenderness for the life he has risked on your account)。


在Magwitch 被抓上警察的船时,Pip的感情终于喷涌而出: For now, my repugnance to him all melted away, and in the hunted wounded shackled creature who held my hand in his, I only saw a man who had meant to be my benefactor, and who had felt affectionately, gratefully, and generously, towards me with great constancy through a series of year. I saw Magwitch a much better man than I had been to Joe. Pip当时就发誓: I will be as true to you as you have been to me! 他终于明白,爱是可以超越身份、出身、教养和金钱方面的不同的,爱的力量是这些世俗标准所无法阻挡的!Magwitch受审时,Pip一直坐在审判席旁边,一直握着Magwitch伸出来的手,多感人的画面。


当得知Pip有“远大前程”时,Joe认为Jagger提出的因Pip解除师徒关系而对其进行补偿的建议是bull-baiting and badgering,是对他的侮辱,他当时就暴跳如雷 like a fell pugilistic。Joe 显然被触碰了底线,他重来不会想从Pip 身上挣钱的!这场道德力量的爆发吓走了满身铜臭气的Jaggers, 他不得不退到门口deliver his valedictory remarks. 这是Joe的胜利,更是道德战胜商业的胜利!可惜,Pip当时并没有感受到Joe的真诚关爱和善良天性。

在家乡得知the brazen impostor Uncle Pumblechook把自己是Pip恩人的事情吹嘘到极点时,Pip was struck keenly for his thankfulness to Joe. The falser he, the truer Joe, the mean he, the nobler Joe. 这就如同现在的孩子都有对父母有不感恩的一段时间,随着他们进入社会,在自己独立生活的不断的对比中,他们会带着加倍的珍惜和感恩回到父母的身边。

Joe 付清了Pip欠下的123英镑债务后,悄然消失了。这使得Pip免于象狄更斯爸爸一样因债务坐牢,却留给Pip无尽的remorsefulness and penitence. Pip觉得 the loving tremble of your hand upon my arm, as solemnly this day as if it have been the rustle of an angle’s wing! 相信,这个场景Pip会永远难忘。


小Pip在沼泽地中遇见Compeyson后,Pip 感觉:I dare say I should have felt a pain in my liver if I had known where it was。

I was always treated as if I had insisted on being born.

What winds blows you here ? I was hot on tracing out and proving Estella’s parentage.



1. Orlick

Journeyman ,swarthy ,sloughing , morose Orlick 简直是Pip的obscene影子,他在书中偶然


离开了铁匠铺,他又当了Miss Havisham的Porter。


他又能找到Pip London的家,并知道了Magwitch回到伦敦的秘密。


2. 11年后遇见Estella 也显得太偶然。这个偶然相遇使得狄更斯设计的两个结尾都苍白无力。


狄更斯自己从小没有得到父母的关爱,他的作品中的很多主要人物也都是孤儿,他细腻的笔触把孤儿的心理描写的极为传神,几乎可以成为现在关爱儿童心理的指导书,对忽略孩子心理需求的家长有振聋发聩的警示作用。他借用Pip之口说出:“There is nothing so finely perceived and so finely felt as injustice”.“It may be only small injustice that the child can be exposed to, but the child is small and its world is small”. ”Within myself, I had sustained, from my babyhood, a perpetual conflict with justice”. “My sister, in her capricious and violent coercion , was unjust to me”. 他姐姐对他得到不公直接导致了他的性格中的: morally timid and very sensitive.

记得,我小学时就患有“大粗脖”,可能是缺碘,也有人说很可能是因为受到不公正待遇而气的,不过60年代那个时候,家境都不好,全国的孩子都是如此,中国没有几个家长会有闲心对孩子有耐心,都在“斗资批修、抓革命促生产”。如果现在还有家长让孩子受Pip 这样的罪,肯定会导致孩子跟其他同龄人相比心理上留有创伤的。

近百篇原创文章包括五类:英文读后感、欧洲二战、摄影作品、中国近代史及房产投资。这些原创文章来自创新型的无佣金、无中介的二手房业主直售平台,微信公众号: “业主售房 ”或者“yezhushoufang”。





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