These words all mean to turn your eyes in a particular direction. 以上各词均含看、观看之义。
解释:to turn your eyes in a particular direction 指看、瞧
If you look carefully you can just see our house from here.你要是仔细看,从这里就可以看见我们的房子。
She looked at me and smiled.她看了看我,笑了。
2、watch解释:to look at sb/sth for a time, paying attention to what happens 指看、注视、观看、观察
to watch television看电视
Watch what I do, then you try.你注意看我的动作,然后试着做。
3、see解释:to watch a game, television programme, performance, etc. 指观看(比赛、电视节目、演出等)
In the evening we went to see a movie.晚上,我们去看了一场电影。
4、view解释:( formal ) to look at sth, especially when you look carefully; to watch television, a film/movie, etc. 指看、观看(尤指仔细观察);看(电视、电影等)
People came from all over the world to view her work.观众从世界各地涌来欣赏她的作品。
a. You can see/view a film/movie/programme but you cannot
可以说see/view a film/movie/programme,但不能说:
see/view television(错误用法)
b. View is more formal than see and is used especially in business contexts.
解释:( formal ) to watch sb/sth carefully, especially to learn more about them or it 指观察、注视、监视
The patients were observed over a period of several months.这些病人被观察了数月之久。
6、regard解释:to look at sb/sth, especially in a particular way 尤指以某种方式注视、凝视:
He regarded us suspiciously.他以怀疑的眼光看着我们。
7、常用搭配to look / watch for sb / sth
to watch / observe what / who / how…
to look / watch / view / observe / regard (sb / sth) in / with amazement / surprise / disapproval, etc.
to look (at sb / sth) / watch (sb / sth) / observe sb / sth / regard sb / sth carefully / closely / intently
to watch / see / view a film / movie / programme
to watch / see a match / game / fight