[peppa pig小猪佩奇]台词剧本
第一季 第14话
14. Flying a kite 放风筝
旁白(Peppa Pig介绍):
I’m Peppa pig.我是佩奇。
This is my little brother, George.这是我的弟弟乔治。
This is Mummy Pig. 这是我的妈妈。
And this is Daddy Pig. 这是我的爸爸。
Flying a Kite!
George is going to fly the kite first.
Narrator:It is a bright sunny day. Peppa and her family are in the park. They are going to fly a kite! 今天是个阳光明媚的好日子,佩奇一家在公园里玩呢。他们要去放风筝啦!
Narrator:George is going to fly the kite first. 乔治要第一个把风筝放起来
George runs as fast as he can. 乔治已经尽全力在跑了。
But the kite won’t fly. 但是风筝就是飞不起来。
Peppa:George! You’re doing it all wrong! 乔治 这一次你完全做错了!
You didn’t run fast enough. 看来你跑得还不够快。
Now, it’s my turn. 现在该轮到我了。
Narrator:Peppa runs as fast as she can. But the kite still won’t fly. 佩奇也尽全力在跑,但是风筝还是飞不起来。
Daddy Pig:The kite won’t fly if there isn’t any wind, no matter how fast you run. 如果没有风的话,不管你们跑多块,风筝都是飞不起来的。
Peppa:Oh. 哦
Mummy Pig:We’ll just have to wait, until the wind picks up a bit. 我们再等等吧,一会儿风就会吹起来的。
Peppa:Oh. 哦
Peppa:Look, it’s getting windy. 瞧啊,现在开始起风啦!
Narrator:Now that it is windy, the kite can fly! 现在起风了,风筝可以飞啦!
The wind is quite strong now. 风已经刮得很大了。
The wind is very strong now. 现在风越来越大了!
Peppa:George! Wahhh! 乔治,哇
Daddy Pig:Peppa! 佩奇
Peppa:Thank you, Daddy.
Narrator:Daddy Pig flies the kite. 猪爸爸开始放风筝了。
Peppa:Hurray! Higher, higher. 好耶!再高点,再高点。
Narrator:Daddy Pig flies the kite very well. 猪爸爸放风筝的技术非常好。
Peppa & George:Wow! 哇哦!
Daddy Pig:Yes, I am a bit of an expert at these things. 没错,这种事的话,我可以算专家了。
Mummy Pig:Watch out for the trees. You might get the kite stuck in one. 小心,那边有些树!小心别把风筝卡在上面了。 【stuck [stʌk]卡住】
Daddy Pig:Don’t worry; I know what I’m doing. 别担心,我知道我在做什么。
Narrator:Oh dear. Daddy Pig has got the kite caught in a tree. 哦糟了,猪爸爸的风筝卡在树枝上了。【caught [kɔːt]截住 拦住 抓住】
Daddy Pig:Oh no. 哦糟糕。
Peppa:Oh. 哦
Mummy Pig:Don’t worry, George. Daddy will get the kite down. 别担心乔治,爸爸会把风筝拿下来的。
Peppa:Hurray! 好耶!
Daddy Pig:Uh, yes. 呃,是的别担心。
Daddy Pig:Careful. There’s a big muddy puddle! 小心点,那儿有一个大泥坑!
Narrator:Peppa and George love to jump in muddy puddles. 佩奇和乔治就喜欢在泥坑里玩。
Peppa:Can we jump in the puddle? Please. 我们能跳到泥坑里吗?求你们了。
Mummy Pig:No. I don’t want you covered in mud. 不行,我可不想你们浑身都是泥。
Peppa:Oh. 哦
Daddy Pig:Stand back, children. 往后站孩子们。
Mummy Pig:Please be careful, Daddy Pig. 一定要小心点,猪爸爸。
Daddy Pig:I know what I’m doing. 我知道自己正在做什么。
Mummy Pig:Please be careful! 一定要当心啊!
Peppa:Just a bit further, Daddy! 你还要再往前一点,爸爸!
Mummy Pig:Daddy Pig, you are much too heavy for that branch. 不行猪爸爸,你太重了那根树枝撑不住的。【branch [bræntʃ] 树枝】
Daddy Pig:Nonsense! 你这是在胡说!
I know exactly how heavy I am. There! 我知道我自己究竟有多重,够到了!
Peppa:Hurray! 好耶!
Narrator:Daddy Pig has rescued the kite! 猪爸爸够到了树枝上的风筝!【rescue[ˈreskjuː] 营救 抢救 救援 获救】
Daddy Pig:Whoa! [猪爸爸不小心掉到了泥坑里溅了大家一身泥]
Narrator:Oh dear. Everyone is covered in mud. 哦糟了,大家身上都是泥。
Daddy Pig:It’s only mud. 大家都脏了。
Narrator:Luckily, Daddy Pig hasn’t hurt himself. 幸好猪爸爸没有伤到自己。
Narrator:And the kite is out of the tree! 风筝也被拿了下来!
Mummy Pig & Peppa:Hurray! 好耶!
Peppa:Mummy. Now that we’re all muddy, can we jump in the puddle? 妈妈,既然我们已经很脏了,现在能跳泥坑了吗?
Mummy Pig:I suppose so. 好吧随你们高兴。
After all, you can’t get any muddier. 再怎么玩也不会更脏了。
And I think Daddy Pig is going to be doing the washing. 不过我想你们的爸爸得去洗洗才行。
Daddy Pig:Oh. 哦
Narrator:Peppa and George love jumping up and down in muddy puddles! 佩奇和乔治喜欢在泥坑里跳来跳去。
Mummy and Daddy love jumping up and down in muddy puddles! 妈妈和爸爸也喜欢在泥坑里跳来跳去。
Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles! 大家都喜欢在泥坑里跳来跳去。
Jumping up and down in muddy puddles is just as much fun as flying the kite! 在泥坑里跳来跳去就和放风筝一样有趣。
George runs as fast as he can, but the kite won’t fly.