越南网友Thus Nguyen的回答
In my answer, Vietnamese culture refers to the mainstream culture of the Vietnamese Nanjing ethnic group.
Cantonese and Vietnamese are nationals of two different countries. The mixed culture of the ancient Nanyue state and Ouyue, Luoyue and Han nationalities has contributed to the culture of Guangdong, Guangxi and Vietnamese. However, Guangdong culture also inherited the culture of other Baiyue tribes and nations, while Vietnamese culture also absorbed bits and pieces of Champa and Khmer culture, as well as French and American culture in the colonial era.
Although the sinicization of Lingnan was not completed until the 12th to 13th century, the two had already split in the 10th century, and Vietnam was independent from the Chinese dynasty. However, the migration between southern China and Vietnam has never really stopped. Whenever China's dynasties change, southern Chinese will migrate to Vietnam in large numbers.
During the formation of South Vietnam, most of the Chinese people came from southern China after the demise of the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, South Vietnam was affected by the sub culture of Guangdong. In Vietnam, the Chinese community does not build a wall between itself and others as other countries do. Over time, the people of these Chinese communities mingled with the local Vietnamese Jing, Champa and Khmer people and gradually merged.
As far as language is concerned, Cantonese belongs to the Sino Tibetan language family, which is influenced by its southern minority languages English Japanese Vietnamese (in areas bordering Vietnam). Vietnamese belongs to the Australian language family and is influenced by different versions of Chinese, Thai, French, English, Japanese (less than Cantonese), Khmer and Zhan. About 70% of Vietnamese vocabulary comes from different versions of Chinese. Vietnamese is closer to Cantonese than Mandarin because both languages retain some ancient Chinese fragments.
就语言而言,粤语属于汉藏语系,受其南部少数民族语言 英语 日语 越南语(在与越南接壤的地区)的影响。越南语属于澳大利亚语系,受到汉语、泰语、法语、英语、日语(少于粤语)、高棉语和湛语的不同版本语言的影响。越南语大约70%的词汇来自不同版本的汉语。与普通话相比,越南语更接近粤语,因为这两种语言都保留了一些古汉语片段。
Until the 21st century, Hong Kong and Macao developed a Cantonese writing system, and most Cantonese was written in classical Chinese. Although the writing system is not very popular outside these two regions. Until the late 19th century, the official language of Vietnam was classical Chinese. In the 20th century, in order to cut off Vietnam from its past history, the French colonialists began a series of de sinicization movements since the second half of the 19th century, prohibited the use of Chinese (classical Chinese) in the official documents of the Ruan Dynasty, and abolished the imperial examination in 1915 and 1918-1919. The decline of the status of Chinese characters and Chinese characters has also led to the decline of the status of the Han characters, which are closely related to Chinese characters.
The proverb "Chinese people eat all things with four legs, except tables, and all things that can fly, except airplanes" is mainly applicable to Guangdong and Guangxi. Like Cantonese, Vietnamese eat everything except tables and planes. However, the main difference between Vietnamese and Cantonese cuisine is the use of a large number of herbs and vegetables in Vietnamese cuisine and the influence of France.
The following foods include: fried dough sticks//giòcháo quẩy, fish balls/cáviên, ginger jelly and coconut milk sweet tofu, salted duck eggs, Yangzhou fried rice, ribs and lotus root soup, fried noodles/mìxào giòn, wonton/hoành thánh, barbecue/xáxíu, braised pork/phálấu, black seashell soup, etc.
以下食物包括:油条/giòcháo quẩy、 鱼丸/cáviên、姜果冻和椰奶甜豆腐、咸鸭蛋、扬州炒饭、排骨莲藕汤、炒面/mìxào giòn、馄饨/hoành thánh、叉烧/xáxíu、拍滷 /phálấu、黑海贝汤等。