
首页>情感>作者:YD1662022-12-17 17:29:34


Are Women More Attractive in Red Lipstick?


Nicolas Guéguen, in a study entitled "Does Red Lipstick Really Attract Men?" examined whether men in a bar would be more attracted to women wearing red lipstick as opposed to other colors. He had female subjects wearing red, brown, pink, and no lipstick at all, sit in bars for an hour between 8:30 p.m. and midnight, on Wednesday and Saturday nights in a popular hot spot in France.

在一项名为“红色口红真的能吸引男人吗?”的研究中,尼古拉斯·盖根(Nicolas Guéguen)调查了相比其他口红颜色,男人在酒吧时是否更容易被涂红色口红的女人吸引。他让一些女性受试者涂红色口红,一些涂棕色口红,一些涂粉色口红,还有一些不涂口红,然后让这些受试者于周三和周六晚上八点三十分到午夜,在法国的一个热门酒吧坐一个小时。

Sure enough, women wearing red lipstick were linked with more solicitations by men judged to be between the ages of 20 and 28, as well as a shorter lead time between the time they arrived and the first approach.


Was there is something about a bar, whether the time of day, presence of alcohol, or other connotations that made red lipstick stand out? Would these women be perceived the same way in the gas station? Other research has indicated the attraction of red lips really is the color, not the setting.


Ian D. Stephen and Angela M. McKeegan examined how lip color impacts perceived facial attractiveness. They began by noting that women have more luminance contrast between facial features and skin than men, which is enhanced through make-up. They noted that in black-and-white photographs of women's faces, a higher amount of luminance contrast enhances perceived femininity and attractiveness. For Caucasians, Stephen and McKeegan note that a significant portion of the contrast between lips and facial skin is evidenced by redness, and red lips are universally appealing.

伊恩·D·斯蒂芬(Ian D. Stephen)和安吉拉·M·麦基根(Angela M. McKeegan)研究了唇色如何影响面部吸引力。首先,他们指出,与男性相比,女性的面部特征和皮肤之间的亮度对比更多,亮度对比是通过化妆来增强的。伊恩和安吉拉指出,在女性的黑白照片中,亮度对比度较高会增加女性气质,更有吸引力。对于白种人来说,伊恩和安吉拉表示,红色可以突显嘴唇和面部皮肤大部分的亮度对比,而红色嘴唇会吸引大部分人。

How much do red lips matter if a woman is already attractive? Adam D. Pazda et al. examined that question in connection with the color red in general, in a piece aptly entitled "The Effect of Red on Attractiveness for Highly Attractive Women" (2021). They began by recognizing prior research showing the color red can enhance a man's perception of female attractiveness unless a woman has older, unattractive, or masculine features.

如果一个女人已经魅力十足,红唇会有多重要呢?在一篇题为《红色对极具吸引力的女性吸引力的影响》(2021)的文章中,亚当·D·帕兹达(Adam D. Pazda)等人通过研究其他红色事物的影响来研究这个问题。首先,他们发现之前的研究表明,红色可以让男性更容易被女性吸引,除非女性年龄较大、吸引力不足或过于男性化。

Through a series of three experiments, they manipulated the color of lingerie on highly attractive models. Among other findings, they found that women in red received higher ratings relative to green in all three experiments. They concluded that overall, their results demonstrate that red can enhance the appeal of women who are already perceived as attractive and desirable. We might assume a similar result if we added red lipstick.


Lasting relationships require much more than color, whether showcased through makeup or clothing. There is nothing wrong with everyone looking their best, but initial perceptions of attractiveness do not reveal the most important things about relationship potential. The reminder that beauty is skin deep can help ensure people do not overlook the importance of character, kindness, compassion, and compatibility.





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