客单价和毛利一直上不来怎么办?What should I do if the unit price and gross profit of the customer do not come?告诉你几个靠菜品及菜单Tell you a few rely on dishes and menus,提高毛利的方法。
·首先一定要有高溢价产品。First of all,there must be a high premium,这些产品视觉突出且体验感丰富。These products are visually prominent,或者有较大吸引力。Or more attractive,且不常见的高溢价食材。Uncommon high-premium ingredients,让兜里有钱的客户。
·有理由有动力花钱。There is reason and motivation to spend,也可以形成完整的价格矩阵。A complete price matrix can also be formed,凸显其他菜品的实惠。Highlight the benefits of other dishes。
·第二增加套餐。Second additional package,把高毛利和低毛利产品结合搭配。
·再给一点点价格优惠。Give a little more price discount,利用便宜和省心促进顾客决策。Drive customer decision-making with cheapness and peace of mind。
·提高客单价,shoe the unit price of customers,这也是麦当劳最常用的方法。This is also the most common methodused by McDonald's。
·第三旧品淘汰和上新。The third old product 出疹 and,尝鲜是餐饮永恒的主题。Early adopters are the eternal theme of,再好吃的东西也不会天天吃。No matter how delicious you are, you won won 你得给顾客进店的理由。You have to give customers a reason to come into the store。上新品绝对有助于吸引顾客进店。Launching new products will definitelyhelp attract customers into the store。这些新品不一定会在菜单上停留很久。These new products don't necessarilystay on the menu for long。
·有的就是体验款和时效款。timeliness models.就像是肯德基的海盐冰激凌。Like KFC's sea salt ice cream和小龙虾汉堡。And crayfish burgers,就是营销噱头。It's a marketing gimm郎。
·四绩效制度匹配,Four performance system matching。以上新率和新品销售情况考核。The above new rate and new productsales assessment,研发以毛利考核门店和员工。R&D assesses stores and employees with gross profit。
·钱可以少花。Money can be spent less,荣誉面子一定要给到位。Honor and face must be given in place,这就是花小钱办大事。This is doing big things with small money,还可以邀请绩效好的员工做分享。You can also invite high-精益求精。employees to share,打造整体工作氛围。Create an overall working atmosphere。