“have n. in doing sth” 它不仅是一个常考句式,而且在写作中也是一个非常好用的“高级结构”。那么有哪些名词也适用于这一结构呢?
difficulty是不可数名词,其前可加some, little, much, a lot of, no, any等修饰
eg: I always have difficulty (in) pronouncing new words. 对新单词的发音我总是有困难。
We have much difficulty (in) understanding what he says. 我们要理解他说的话有不少困难。
注意:have difficulty with sth,表示“在某方面有困难”.With后面接名词或代词。
eg: I have difficulty with English. 我在英语学习方面有些困难.
2)have fun (in) doing sth,表示“做某事有意思(有趣)”eg: I had great fun in playing cards with them. 我和他们玩纸牌玩得非常高兴。
We had fun riding our bicycles to the park. 我们骑自行车去公园玩得很开心。
注意: 该句型中的动词 have 有时可用 find, There be 换之。 eg: There was great fun in playing cards with them.
3)have trouble (in) doing sth,表示“做某事有困难”eg: I have some trouble in reading her handwriting. 我认她的笔迹有些困难。
We had no trouble (in) finding his house. 我们没费吹灰之力就找到了他的家。
注意:have trouble with sth,表示“在某方面有困难。 With后面接名词或代词。
eg: I have trouble with my English。我在英语方面有困难。
4)have bother (in) doing sth,表示“做某事费劲”eg: Did you have much bother (in) finding his office? 你是不是费了很大的劲才找到他的办公室?
5)have problem (in) doing sth,表示“做某事有困难”eg: Did you have any problems (in) getting here? 你到这儿来遇到困难了吗?
句式为 go to the problem of doing sth
6)have a good time (in) doing sth,表示“做某事很开心”,“玩得开心”。eg: We had a good time (in) playing tennis. 我们打网球打得很开心。
( )1. I’m sure you’ll have no ______ the exam.
A. difficulty to pass B. difficulties to pass
C. difficulties passing D. difficulty passing
( )2. Did you have any trouble_______the post office?
A. to have found B. with finding
C. to find D. in finding