举例: 1 2 = 3 augend addend = sum
相关词汇:addition 加法、plus sign 加号、plus symbol 加号、augend 被加数、addend 加数、sum 和
口语表达: One plus two equals three. 一加二等于三。One is the augend, two is the addend, and three is the sum. 1是被加数,2是加数,3是和。
22.减法The sum of one and two is three. 1与2的和是3。 If you add one and two, you get three. 1加上2,得到3。 We are doing an addition (operation). 我们在做加法(运算)。
举例:8 - 6 = 2 minuend -subtrahend = difference
相关词汇: subtraction 减法、minus sign 减号、minus symbol 减号、minuend 被减数、subtrahend 减数、difference 差
口语表达:Eight minus six equals two. 8减去6等于2。
33.乘法8 is the minuend, 6 is the subtrahend, and 2 is the difference. 8是被减数,6是减数,2是差。 8, subtract/deduct 6 gives you 2. 8减去6,得到2。 If you take 6 away from 8, you get/are left with 2. 8去掉6,得到/剩下2。 We are doing a subtraction (operation). 我们在做减法(运算)。
举例:3 × 4 = 12; multiplier × multiplicand = product ; factor × factor = product
相关词汇:multiplication 乘法、multiplier 被乘数、multiplicand 乘数、factor因数、product 积
口语表达:Three times four equals twelve. 3乘以4等于12。
44.除法12 is the product of 3 and 4. 12是3与4的积。 3 multiplied by 4 is 12. 3乘以4等于12。
举例:8 ÷ 2 = 4 10 ÷ 4 = 2…2 dividend ÷ divisor = quotient, remainder
相关词汇:division 除法、obelus 除号、dividend 被除数、divisor 除数、quotient 商、remainder 余数
口语表达:Eight divided by two equals four. 8除以2等于4。
55.幂运算10 divided by 4 gives you 2 with a remainder of 2. 10除以4等于2,余数为2。
举例:bn base exponent = power
相关词汇:exponentiation 幂运算、power operation 指数运算、exponent 指数、base 底、power 幂
口语表达:bn 可以读作 b to the n-th power, b to the power of n 或者 b raised to the n-th power
当指数为2或3时,即 b2 和 b3 通常读作 b squared 和 b cubed
66.开方运算103 = 1000 可读作 10 cubed is 1,000. 10 to the third power is 1,000. 或 10 to the power of three is 1,000.
相关词汇:root 根、degree 次、radicand 被开方数、square root 平方根、cube root 立方根
The squared root of 9 is 3.