53.泥人:clay figure
54.皮影戏:shadow puppetry
55.木偶戏:puppet show
58.中国结:Chinese knot
59.年画:New Year painting
60.吹糖人:sugar-figure blowing
61.舞龙:dragon dance
62.舞狮:lion dance
63.秧歌:Yongko dance;rural folk dance
曲 艺 表 演
65.戏曲:traditional opera
66.折子戏:opera highlights
67.相声:comic dialogue;cross talk
69.口技:vocal imitations;ventriloquism
70.杂技:acrobatic performance
71.马戏:circus performance
72.京韵大鼓:drum song of Peking
73.踩高跷:walk on stilts
74.杂耍:variety show;vaudeville
娱 乐 活 动
75.打麻将:play mahjong
76.庙会:temple fair
77.春节联欢晚会:Spring Festival gala
78.灯会:exhibit of lanterns
79.送贺卡:send New Year's greeting cards
80.理发:have a haircut
81.放烟花:set off fireworks
82.放鞭炮:set off firecrackers
83.灯谜:riddles written on lanterns
各 路 神 仙
84.门神:the God of Door
85.灶神:the God of Kitchen
86.财神:the God of Wealth
87.土地爷:the God of Land
88.火神:the God of Fire
89.喜神:the God of Happiness
90.福禄寿三星:the three gods of fortune, prosperity and longevity
91.八仙:the Eight Immortals
其 他