- 报道性摘要。报道性摘要一般会包括论文目的、模型方法、研究结果、主要结论等,篇幅在300字左右,常用于学术期刊、会议论文。报道性摘要,涵盖论文中新的模型、方法、关键数据和结论等,以充分反映论文的创新性,吸引期刊编辑和学者的关注。报道性摘要类似一个浓缩版的科学论文,会提供准确的研究数据,我们有时可以不阅读全文就大部分有用信息。
- 指示性摘要。指示性摘要是对研究内容的简要概括,一般研究背景、研究目的、文章的主要问题和内容概要等,篇幅在100字左右,常用于期刊简报、问题讨论等。指示性摘要,重点关注的是论文论题,主要是对研究内容的轮廓性介绍,所以要想知道论文的具体信息,还需要进一步的阅读论文。
- 综合性摘要。综合性摘要,即综合报道性摘要和指示性摘要,论文亮点部分采用报道性写法,其余部分采用指示性写法,篇幅在100-200之间。
根据Koopman的说法,论文摘要要素一般涵盖问题描述、研究内容、模型方法、研究结果和主要结论五个部分。以Journal of Environmental Management期刊上的一篇文章为例进行简单的说明,“Comprehensive evaluation and scenario simulation for the water resources carrying capacity in Xi'an city, China”。
- 问题描述。问题描述主要是对要研究的问题进行概括。此处可以对研究问题的不足处进行说明,突出研究问题的重要性和迫切性,以彰显文章价值。问题描述部分:The quantity and quality of water resources are of great importance in maintaining urban socio-economic development.
- 研究内容:研究内容是交代出论文的主要内容。有时会在研究问题里面交代研究目标。研究内容部分:Accordingly, substantial research has been conducted on the concept of the water resources carrying capacity (WRCC).
- 模型方法:模型方法这里对解决研究问题所构建的模型或者采用的方法进行简要介绍。模型方法部分:In this study, analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and system dynamics (SD) models were combined to construct a multi-criteria evaluation system of the WRCC and a socio-economic/water resources SD model for Xi'an.
- 研究结果:研究结果部分是对论文研究得到的重要数据、规律和发现等。研究结果部分:The developmental trends of the society, economy, water supply/demand, and wastewater discharge were obtained from 2015 to 2020 using five scenarios designed for distinct purposes; these scenarios and trends were comprehensively evaluated using a combination of qualitative and quantitative analyses. The results indicated that the WRCC (0.32 in 2020) in Xi'an will shift from a normal to a poor state if the current social development pattern is maintained; therefore, we conclude that the socio-economic development of Xi'an is unsustainable. However, under a comprehensive scheme, the WRCC index (0.64 in 2020) will increase by 48% compared with the WRCC index under a business-as-usual scenario.
- 主要结论:主要结论部分是论文研究结果的价值、影响和意义。主要结论部分:Further, some practical suggestions, including the promotion of industrial reforms and the improvement of water-use efficiency and recycling policies, were provided for improving the regional WRCC.
- 长度要求。一般摘要在300字左右,大概占一页纸的1/3。但是,不同的期刊有着不同的要求,需要我们在投稿前仔细阅读。例如,期刊ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION的Abstract:The maximum abstract length is 300 words,期刊SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT的Abstract:Please limit your abtract to 300 words。
- 要素比例。摘要中各要素的一般比例:研究的重要性25%;本文的工作25%;本文的结论35%;启示和影响15%。在实际写作中,我们需要根据自己论文的研究重点进行适当的调整。如果论文重点在研究问题,则需要突出问题;如果论文重点在研究方法,则突出研究方法部分;如果论文得到了某条重要的研究结果,则突出研究的结果;如果研究论文的结论重要,则突出研究结论。有时可能某些要素完全不重要的话,也可以省略。
- 结果描述。在对论文研究结果进行介绍时,建议多采用一些定量的描述,可以给出具体的研究结果。例如可以写出高多少、强多少、低多少、弱多少等。
- 结论介绍。论文的研究结论一方面交代解决的问题,另一方面也可以交代研究结论的价值与意义。
- 其它要求:摘要作为独立阅读的文本,应避免使用参考文献,但如果有必要,则应引用作者和年份;应避免使用非标准或不常见的缩写,但如果有必要,则必须在摘要本身首次提及时就对其进行定义。
附上Water Resources Management中一篇文章的摘要:Regional sustainable development is an important focus on natural resources management, and also is a critical requirement for socio-economic system’s sustainability. Water resource is one of the most important supports for the sustainable development of society and economy. The study proposed the concept of water resources carrying capacity (WRCC) to assess the scale of economy and population that the local water resources can support. And the study took Tianjin city of China for an example, and its population size and economic scale were chosen as two main indices. Based on the historical statistical datum, the carrying index (CI) and index of water supply–demand balance (IWSD) were evaluated, and then the current WRCC in Tianjin city and its dynamic tendency were evaluated by means of the method of carrying capacity of relative resources (CCRR). The results showed that the utilization of water resources in Tianjin is inefficient for now, the dynamic trend would be partly rational after the protection policy of water resource was put into practice in 2010 and 2020, and the WRCC of Tianjin city went beyond the average WRCC of China and was roughly equal to that of Beijing city. This paper showed that the rational policies and measures should be established and implemented to make sure utilize water resources efficiently in Tianjin city。