- 这部电视剧让我想起小时候。
Chinglish: The TV series let me think about my childhood.
English : The TV series remind me of my chidhood.
2. 下雨让我感到心情不好。
Chinglish: The rain let me feel not good.
English: The rain puts me in a mood. / The rain depresses me. / The rain makes me in a mood.
3. 他不停地说,让我很烦。
Chinglish: He talked constantly , making me feel annoyed .
English:His constant talking annoyes me.
4. 广告使人们飞往西藏。
Chinglish : The advertisement lets people have the wish to fly to Tibet.
English : The advertisement entices people to fly to Tibet.
5. 很多年轻姑娘都愿意整容手术。
Chinglish : Many young girls choose to make a cosmetic surgery .
English : Many young girls choose to have a cosmetic surgery .
6. 童年时的困难对我有很大的影响。
Chinglish : The difficulties of my childhood made a great effect on me.
English : The difficulties of my childhood had a great effect on me.
7. 新冠肺炎的爆发一下子让口罩的价格上涨了100%
Chinglish : The coronavirus outbreak made the price of mask rise by 100 percent ovenight.
English : The coronavirus outbreak led to a 100 percent rise in the price of mask ovenight.